Libita Sibungu

Libita Sibungu’s solo and collaborative projects explore the political and spiritual relationships connecting the landscape to the body, told through personal and collective diasporic histories and legacies. Research is shared through embodied acts of digging; in earth and in records - revealing lost, and buried testimonies emerging out of fugitive experiences. Installations, performance, print, text and sound, help bring to life ongoing conversations surrounding the possibilities of a living archive. 

Sibungu is a British-Namibian artist based in the UK, projects of note have been presented with; Gasworks, Somerset House, Spike Island, (all UK) and Cabaret Voltaire, Switzerland, (2019); Whitstable Biennale; Eastside Projects, (all UK) and Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg (2018); South London Gallery, UK, and Diaspora Pavilion, 57th Venice Biennale, Italy (2017).